Food and Friendship
Tuesday 23rd Oct 2018
at 6.00-8.00pm
Every month Sheffield Interfaith invite you to join us for a ‘bring & share’ meal, usually at Shirley House Interfaith Centre, 31 Psalter Lane, S11 8YL. Why not come and see? Meet new people and make new friends. People of all faiths (and food traditions), or none, are most welcome.
It was suggested at the AGM that it would be a good idea to hold these dinners at other places of worship, so individual faith groups could have contact with Sheffield Interfaith. If your faith group would like to ‘host’ a SIF bring and share meal, please get in touch, via the website.
Planned dates for the next few months are:
Monday 26th November
Wednesday 19th December
Thursday 24th January 2019
Tuesday 19th February 2019
You could use one of these dates or offer a date after February- we try not to clash with religious festivals.
We welcome everybody who would like to come
at Shirley House, 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield S11 8YL
Tuesday 23rd Oct 2018
at 6.00-8.00pm
(Number 4 bus leaves Sheffield Interchange at 17.35)
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